Got Children in the Wedding Party?
Kids Say And Do The Darnedest Things
There is nothing more hilarious than a 4-year-old lying face down on the aisle doing his starfish impressions for the guests. He started off well, headed towards his aunt while his mama was assisting the bride. This wee man decided that enough was enough. After a “long 45 minutes” of being couped up with the bridesmaids, dressed in three layers of clothing and being told not to roll on the floor, he was done, done, done! His carefully sculptured side part and his three-layered vest was no longer cutting it for him so once he was allowed out that door it was his moment to shine!
Others approach the aisle with an ambitious attitude, only to fall victim to “the eyes”. The many eyes upon them. They weren’t expecting this. What is everyone looking at? What’s so funny? Why are these strangers telling me to walk faster? Where is my dad? … and he’s gone! The all too familiar reverse pivot and he’s heading back to where he came from, and he’s never going back!
Of course, there is always the exception to the rule. The perfect little 5-year-old flower girls who were destined for this role. They have been dressed since 11am. Grandma has even let them wear some of her lip-gloss. They enter the aisle with such grace, such precision. This is their day, their moment, their brand-new ballet shoes, and their rose petals! They secured those rose petals three hours ago so when the time comes to throw those petals to the ground, there is great hesitation. When they finally succumb to the demands of scattering the rose petals, they simply up-end the entire basket. In one spot. At the end of the aisle because grandma told her to! (Folds arms, walk off in a huff!).
Kids at weddings. You have to love them, no matter what. Expect the unexpected and when things don’t go to plan, make sure your photographer is there to record those priceless moments.
Here are some tips for the looking after the little people on the day-
Who dresses the boys or girls? Don’t leave it to the wedding party, they have more than enough to worry about. Have an adult helper on hand to assist. Ease them into their clothes but don’t dress them too early if you want them to remain clean.
Choose comfortable, smart clothing for boys. Breathable fabrics in Summer and long sleeves in Winter. Suit jackets, although very cute, are often prickly on their tender young skin and white shirts don’t stay white for long. Keep it simple with elasticised pants for quick trips to the loo. Forego the top-heavy flower lapel. It’s really not needed, and, in this case, less is more for toddlers.
Flower girls are usually happy to wear anything you choose but keep them in the loop. They like to feel included when it comes to choosing their outfits. The hair is often the biggest challenge. Loose, natural curls work better than tight up-dos. Flower circlets require a user-friendly approach and don’t always fit so if you have the option to pop those on last, do so.
Remember that kids outgrow their clothes very quickly, so a final fitting is important for the entire wedding party – juniors included.
Comfy shoes all round. Unlaced shoes can be hazardous when they are running around on the lawn.
Always have a spare set of clothing for them to change into after their official duties are fulfilled.
It is a tough gig for the smallest of members of the wedding party, but they are so worth it!
Avalon Castle is a family-friendly venue. Children love the grounds, and we love having them here. We have a “Junior Guest Menu” available and children 4 and under are free of charge. We do recommend having adult supervision during formalities and we have onsite rooms with televisions, DVDs, and comfy beds.
If you need some professional assistance with carers, Event Nannies come highly recommended by Avalon Castle.